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How to delay the aging speed of fiber laser cutting machine?

With the development of social productivity, the role of fiber laser cutting machine brands is becoming more and more important, bringing development opportunities to all walks of life.


Helping users improve production efficiency, improve product quality, reduce production costs, reduce material waste, and speed up the development cycle of new products, making fiber laser cutting machines one of the core processing tools of the industry. However, machines are alive just like people, and they will have problems of aging and high energy failure. If the maintenance is good, the service life and use effect of the equipment will be greatly improved. So, how should we delay the aging speed of fiber laser cutting machines?

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

1. Selection and maintenance of laser:

Laser is the head component of fiber laser cutting machine. Its quality directly affects the overall performance of metal laser cutting machine. If there is a problem with its quality, it will accelerate the rapid aging of fiber laser cutting machine. Therefore, choosing high-quality laser is the key. In addition, the later maintenance work is also very important. After the laser has been working for a period of time, the power decline is inevitable. Therefore, doing a good job of laser maintenance can keep the laser function at a standard as much as possible and delay the aging of the laser.


2. The use environment of fiber laser cutting machine:

The use environment of fiber laser cutting machine (such as temperature, dust) fiber laser cutting machine has certain requirements for the temperature of the studio. Too high temperature will cause freezing and slow response. Too low temperature can cause damage to the air pipe and cable, and easily cause breakage and leakage. Therefore, controlling the temperature of the working environment of fiber laser cutting machine is one of the key factors to delay aging. In addition, the fiber laser cutting machine will generate a large amount of metal dust during operation. These dusts, as well as dust and smoke in the air, will adhere to the equipment, which will increase the wear between the various parts of the equipment. At the same time, the attached dust will also affect the transmittance of the focusing lens, indirectly affecting the cutting accuracy of the fiber laser cutting machine.


The aging of the fiber laser cutting machine is an unstoppable trend. How to protect and delay aging is the key issue. It is hoped that users will do a good job of maintenance in their daily work. In addition, if any problems occur in the equipment during work, they must not be ignored and must be dealt with in time to keep the equipment in good condition.