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The history of laser development!

The word "laser" is a literal translation of "Laser", which is the abbreviation of the first letters of "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", meaning "light amplification by stimulated radiation".


In 1916, physicist Einstein studied and proposed the concept of optical induced absorption and induced emission (also known as stimulated absorption and stimulated emission), which later became the main physical basis of lasers.

Laser Cutting Machine

The world's first laser was successfully developed by American scientist Theodore Maiman at Hughes Laboratory in California in 1960. Laser was once translated into "laser", "optical laser", "optical stimulated radiation amplifier" and so on in China. In 1964, after discussion at the Third Academic Conference on Optical Quantum Amplifiers, it was decided to adopt the suggestion of Academician Qian Xuesen to translate it into "laser". The name "laser" can not only reflect the scientific connotation of stimulated radiation, but also indicate that it is a very strong new light source. Therefore, it has been recognized since then and has been used to this day.


The wavelength of laser is the same as that of ordinary light. The color of laser depends on the wavelength of laser, and the wavelength depends on the active material that emits laser, that is, the material that can produce laser after being stimulated. Stimulated materials include solids, semiconductors, gases, etc. For example, ruby can produce red laser beams when stimulated; argon gas can produce blue-green laser beams when stimulated; semiconductors can emit infrared lasers when stimulated, which are invisible to the naked eye; CO2 can emit lasers with a wavelength of 10.6μm when stimulated, which are also invisible to the naked eye, and so on.

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