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What are the usage tips and precautions of laser cutting machines to make laser cutting more efficient?

When the laser cutting machine is cutting, in order to achieve better efficiency and cutting quality, there are many small details and some precautions that need to be paid attention to. Mastering these tips can make the equipment more efficient. SAN Laser will introduce you:


laser cutting machines

1. Corner melting; When the laser is slowed down to cut the corner of a thin steel plate, it will melt the corner due to overheating. Generate a small radius at the corner to maintain the high-speed cutting of the laser, avoid the phenomenon of overheating and melting of the steel plate when cutting the corner, so as to obtain good cutting quality, reduce cutting time and improve cutting efficiency.


2. Part spacing; Under normal circumstances, when cutting thick plates and hot plates, the spacing between parts should be increased. Because thick plates and hot plates have a great thermal impact, when cutting corners and small graphics, it is easy to burn the edges, affecting the cutting quality.


3. Lead setting; When cutting thicker plates, in order to make the slits connect well and prevent burns at the beginning and end, a transition line is often drawn at the beginning and end of the cutting, which are called lead and tail lines respectively. The lead and tail lines are useless to the workpiece itself, so they should be placed outside the scope of the workpiece. At the same time, be careful not to set the lead at sharp corners and other places that are not easy to dissipate heat. The connection between the lead and the slit should adopt arc transition as much as possible to make the mechanical movement smooth and avoid burns caused by corner pauses.


4. Common edge cutting: combine two or more parts into one combination, and try to make large quantities of regular graphics have common edges. Common edge cutting can greatly shorten the cutting time and save raw materials.


5. Parts collision: many laser cutting machines are running 24 hours a day, and some use automatic loading and unloading devices. In order to avoid damage to the cutting head and manufacturing interruption caused by collision of cutting parts, you need to pay attention to the following when sorting: choose a suitable cutting path, bypass the parts that have been cut, and reduce collisions. Choose a good cutting route to reduce cutting time.