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What problems are often encountered in laser cutting thick plate processing?

As an advanced material cutting method, optical processing has been increasingly accepted by sheet metal producers. With the continuous advancement of computer control technology and optical technology, people's expectations for its processing capabilities are getting higher and higher. This expectation is not only for being able to cut, but also for cutting well and quickly.


laser cutting thick plate processing

At present, the demand for high-power laser cutting machines is increasing, mainly concentrated on the increasing demand for cutting thick plates. However, thick plate cutting has high requirements for laser cutting machines, both in terms of cutting speed and cutting section, which is a test for the technology of laser cutting machine manufacturers. What problems will be encountered in cutting thick plates? SAN Laser will explain to you.


1. Thick plate perforation problem

Laser perforation is the first step before cutting. The thicker the plate, the longer the perforation time and the greater the proportion of perforation time. Therefore, in order to improve cutting efficiency, many laser manufacturers will make improvements in perforation time to achieve fast perforation, but there will be burst holes during operation. This is because the use of high-power cutting machines is fast. On the contrary, the use of low-power pulse perforation will lead to long cutting time, power reduction, and higher unit cost.


2. Cutting section quality problem

Laser cutting of thick plates is much more difficult than thin plates, and the aesthetics of the section is more obvious than the cutting texture of thin plates. Therefore, the cutting section often encountered when processing medium and thick plates, not only the quality of the finished product is questioned, but also accompanied by overburning and severe sticking slag, so that the processing value of the laser cutting machine cannot be fully reflected.


3. Whole plate batch processing stability problem

In the whole plate processing of metal plates, sometimes there will be random processing problems in local areas, even when the processing machine is in good condition. Dealing with local processing problems will also affect the progress of the entire processing.

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