SAN Fiber Laser Cutting Machine


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Aug 30,
Tips for laser cutting machine focus debugging!

Focus debugging is a crucial step in the operation of laser cutting machine. A suitable focus can ensure the accuracy and efficiency of laser cutting. The following tips can help you complete focus debugging quickly and accurately:


laser cutting machine

Step 1: Distance positioning

The distance should be measured, the focus should be close, and the aiming should be accurate for the first processing


Step 2: Fuzzy rule

Focus should be adjusted far away, the weld should be wide, the material should fly, and the focus should be close to the cutting seam should be narrow


Step 3: Focus debugging

Focus distance plus or minus 0.1 coordinate origin fine adjustment


Step 4: Monitoring adjustment

Cutting starting point, inaccurate position, weak light, please give priority


Step 5: Quality inspection

Focus position, laser is bright, material is focused, and the cutting shape is good



Following the above tips, you can easily master the skills and key points of laser cutting machine focus debugging. Remember, focus debugging is an indispensable and important step in the laser cutting process. Only by correctly debugging a high-quality focus can the cutting quality and efficiency be ensured to reach the best state.

Aug 30,
How to choose a laser marking machine!

Now laser marking machine has been widely used in all walks of life. It has almost become an indispensable process in the product production line.

laser marking machine

Beam quality

Includes output quality and mode stability. Some marking machines have divergent output beams. The marking effect is poor. Or it is unstable when marking for a long time. The product production efficiency is reduced.


When choosing a laser marking machine. Be sure to have a targeted understanding of its functions. Whether it is suitable for its own product processing and stability. Because the output power is different. Therefore, the effect of different products is different. Proofing must be done before purchasing laser equipment.


There are good fault diagnosis measures. Generally speaking, when a fault occurs. Users can troubleshoot the fault by themselves.

Operational aspects

Simple and clear operation interface, easy to use. And it is not easy to damage the laser due to operating errors.

Continuous working ability

Applicable to all industries. Different working environments. Pressure resistance. Able to run continuously without affecting corrosion resistance.

Aug 30,
Is the higher the power of the laser cutting machine, the better?

Nowadays, laser cutting machines have become quite common. It provides unparalleled cutting quality and cutting speed, which is superior to many traditional cutting methods.


CO2 Laser Cutting Machine

In terms of laser power, laser cutting machines can be divided into low-power laser cutting machines, medium-power laser cutting machines and high-power laser cutting machines. For relatively thin stainless steel plates and carbon steel plates, low-power laser cutting machines should be sufficient for high-quality cutting while maintaining a high cutting speed. Choosing the right one can not only help you improve your work efficiency, but also save considerable operating costs. So what should you consider when choosing a suitable laser cutting machine?


Generally speaking, the thicker the material, the more difficult it is to cut. This means that thicker materials require a higher-power laser cutting machine. And there are two common laser cutting machines. One is the CO2 laser cutting machine, and the other is the fiber laser cutting machine. For cutting non-metallic materials, CO2 laser cutting machines are usually the ideal choice. For metal materials, fiber laser cutting machines work better.


Many people will consider the ratio of investment to output. It is normal that the higher the power of the laser cutting machine, the more expensive it is. And the different configurations inside the laser cutting machine will also lead to price differences.

Aug 30,
Precautions for installing and using laser tubes!

1. Please connect the cooling water first when using it. Use the principle of low inlet and high outlet. Adjust the position of the water outlet pipe to ensure that the cooling water fills the cooling pipe and there are no bubbles in the pipe before turning on the power. Requirements: Use soft water (distilled water or purified water) for cooling water, and always pay attention to the water temperature of the cooling water. The water temperature should be controlled in the range of 25℃-30℃, not too high or too low, especially in summer. Once the water temperature is found to be too high, the cooling water should be replaced in time or the machine should be shut down for a period of time: In cold areas, the cooling water should not freeze, especially after the laser is shut down, the cooling water should not be allowed to remain in the laser tube to avoid freezing and bursting.

Precautions for installing and using laser tubes

2. The two supporting points of the laser tube should be at the point of 1/4 of the total length of the laser tube, and the flow rate of the cooling water should be 2L-4L/minute; otherwise, the effect will be poor, it will cause mode jumping, the light spot will change to several points, resulting in a decrease in power; the cooling water return port must be covered with water in the water tank, otherwise the cooling water in the laser tube will not be filled every time the machine is turned off and on.

3. Pay attention to protecting the output window of the laser, avoid the smoke generated during the working process (including the debugging of the optical path) from splashing onto the output window surface, prevent the outer surface of the output window from being contaminated, and the power will decrease. At this time, you can use absorbent cotton or silk cloth dipped in anhydrous alcohol to gently wipe the outer surface of the output window;

4. During the debugging process, adjust the laser support point or rotate the laser position to achieve the output effect, and then fix the laser.

5. Please be sure to pay attention: avoid dust accumulation near the high-voltage electrode, keep it dry, and keep the high-voltage end as far away from the metal as possible to prevent high-voltage ignition and discharge.

6. During the use of the laser, scale should not be formed in the cooling tube to avoid cooling water blockage and poor heat dissipation. Once found, 20% dilute hydrochloric acid can be used to clean the cooling tube to remove scale.

7. The laser is a glass product and is fragile. Avoid local force during installation and use.

8. Rationally apply laser tubes to save laser energy. The working current point of the laser tube is 16 mA.

Related product links

CO2 Laser Cutting Machine

Aug 30,
The influence of focal length on the cutting quality of laser cutting machine!

There are many factors that affect the cutting quality of laser cutting machine, such as cutting speed, gas pressure, cooling water temperature, whether the lens is clean, etc., which will affect the cutting speed and cutting quality. SAN LASER will focus on the influence of the focal length and focal position of the focusing lens on the cutting quality.


laser cutting machine

Generally speaking, short-focus lenses should be selected for high-speed cutting of stainless steel below 3mm, and short-focus or long-focus lenses can be selected for 3-8mm stainless steel. It is recommended to use a long-focus lens for cutting stainless steel or carbon steel above 8mm. The short-focus lens has a small focusing spot size (the laser beam focusing spot size is proportional to the length of the lens), high power density at the focus, and fast cutting speed (the cutting speed of the material is proportional to the laser power density). It is very beneficial for material cutting, but its disadvantages are also obvious. First, the adjustment margin is small. For cutting thicker plates, the width of the cut after cutting on the top and the bottom will be different, thus affecting the cutting quality. At the same time, due to the concentrated cutting power density and finer cutting seams, slag will splash onto the lens surface when cutting the plate, affecting the service life of the lens, so short-focus lenses are generally used for high-speed thin plate cutting.


The power density of the focused spot of the telephoto lens is low, but its focal depth is large. As long as the total power of the laser is large enough, the advantage of cutting thick plates will be highlighted.

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